The Femmephobia 101 Workbook

The Femmephobia Workbook is a self-guided journey through our Femmephobia workshop that we usually deliver to small groups, in person. The workbook helps the reader to identify their own views and attitudes concerning femininity and to begin reimagining a world in which femininity was valued differently, and perhaps more positively by individuals and society alike.
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The 1st edition of the workbook is aimed at a general audience. Future editions will be made available to specifically focus on the interests and needs of youth, parents, gender-based violence intervention professionals, and educators.
A digital version of the workbook will be available to download for free or for a “pay what you can” donation. A printed copy of the workshop is now available for purchase, with all proceeds going to support our non-profit organization, LGBTQ Psychology Canada.
Click Here to purchase a copy of Femmephobia 101
Click Here to purchase a copy of Femmephobia 101
Hoskin, R.A., Blair, K.L., Scott, J., Serafini, T., & Zhang, C.  (In progress). The Femmephobia 101 Workbook.
Generous funding provided by:
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